无论如何,咖啡和它的忠实拥趸有一套完整的文化体系。快来看看这些咖啡店的网站示例吧,它们都是为咖啡供应商、咖啡俱乐部、好玩的博客和论坛提供的各种网站模板。不仅如此,我们还收集了一些有关这种大众饮品的绝妙插图。Anyways, there is a whole culture related to coffee and its genuine admirers. Today we welcome you to check out the showcase dedicated to coffee shop websites, the variety of web templates for coffee providers, coffee clubs, as well as simply entertaining blogs and forums. Moreover, we have collected some smart illustrations related to the popular drink.
The following websites are mostly E-commerce sources of coffee providers, retailers and coffee-shops. Pay your attention to the incredible trendy layouts, color palette and stunning typography.
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