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标题: [音乐] OneRepublic-good life (值得一听) [打印本页]

作者: willroad    时间: 2010-6-5 10:12     标题: OneRepublic-good life (值得一听) Presentation/Selected/06%20Good%20Life.mp3
      相信很多人对OneRepublic不是特别陌生,一曲apologize几乎让这个名不见经传的乐队一夜爆红。今天要推荐的是他们新专辑“waking up”中的一首比较欢快明朗的歌曲
“good life”。如果你喜欢这样的风格,建议你完整的听一下他们的新专辑。如果你喜欢类似britpop风格的,也建议你去听一下,尽管OneRepulic不是一个英国组合。(第一次发贴,不足之处,多多包涵)。

附上歌词:woke up in london yesterday
found myself in the city near picadilly
don't really know how i got here
i got some pictures on my phone
new names and numbers that i don't know
addressed to places like abbey road
take turns tonight,
night turns to whatever we want
we're young enough to say

ohhh this is gotta be a good life
this could really be a good life good life
say ohhh got this feeling
that you can't fight
like this city is on fire tonight
ohhh this could be a good life
good good life ohhhh ohhh ohhhh ohhh
to my friends in new york i say hello
my friends in la they don't know
where i've been for the past few years or so
paris, to china to colorado
sometimes there's airplanes i can't jump out
sometimes there's bullshit that don't work now
we out of stories but please tell me
what's there to complain about?
when you're happy like a fool
let it take you over
when everything is out
you gotta take it in

ohhh this is gotta be a good life
this could really be a good life good life
say ohhh got this feeling
that you can't fight
like this city is on fire tonight
this could be a good life
good good life ohhhh ohhh ohhhh ohhh
hoplessly i feel like there might be
something that i missed
hopelessly i feel like
the window closes so so quick
hopelessly i'm taking
a mental picture of you now
cause hopelessly to the hopeless
we have something to feel good about

ohhh this is gotta be a good life
this could really be a good life good life
say ohhh got this feeling
that you can't fight
like this city is on fire tonight
this could be a good life
good good life ohhhh ohhh ohhhh ohhh

to my friends in new york i say hello
my friends in la they don't know
where i've been for the past few years or so
paris, to china to colorado
sometimes there's airplanes i can't jump out
sometimes there's bullshit
that don't work now
we out of stories but please tell me
what's there to complain about?
下载地址: ... 6%20Good%20Life.mp3
作者: rini12238    时间: 2010-6-5 16:56

作者: 季默    时间: 2010-6-5 22:06

很辽阔的嗓音和配乐 谢谢楼主的介绍
话说一直以为apologize是timbland的  今天长见识了
作者: 哪吒lyw    时间: 2010-6-7 09:54

作者: 帅气的sis    时间: 2010-6-10 15:57

作者: zyyt111    时间: 2010-6-10 16:18

作者: kaorikeji    时间: 2010-6-10 16:27

缓冲速度太慢了   还是去QQ音乐里听下!
作者: yn1389977798    时间: 2010-6-10 20:48

作者: mcduty    时间: 2010-6-10 21:47

作者: haotian168    时间: 2010-6-10 21:58

作者: 鲔鱼    时间: 2010-6-10 22:02

是个好组合 有好歌 唱得也好 能听到有人也喜欢很幸福啊

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